Let's Get Rowdy!
Meet the Greatest Need of Maclay School! The Maclay Fund provides crucial, unrestricted funding that is vital for addressing the school's most pressing needs across campus. It serves as a unique opportunity for the entire Maclay community to connect with the school’s mission and priorities. Gifts of any size are welcomed and put to immediate use to enhance academics, athletics, arts, and faculty support throughout the school year. The 2024-2025 Maclay Fund will support: Ongoing professional development for our faculty and staff and the continued growth of the Faculty Salary Growth & Supplementation Endowment, expanding academic programming across all three divisions, including curriculum enrichment and increased academic support, improving our facilities with upgrades to our library, athletic facilities, performing arts spaces, and enhanced classroom technology, and expanding co-curricular offerings, including athletic nutrition, sports psychology and training, and more opportunities in performing and visual arts for all students.